Note from the South Dakota Hall of Fame CEO

Greta Chapman, CEO of the South Dakota Hall of Fame

Dear Friends of the South Dakota Hall of Fame,

It is with a grateful heart for the past eight years, as the CEO for the South Dakota Hall of Fame to inform you that I will be retiring in the spring of 2022. There are many great things that have happened for the mission of the Hall and a new leader will make for many more opportunities with this outstanding organization! 

My spouse Harry is on a similar path of retirement and the road is calling for our traveling adventures, time with family and friends, consulting, catching up on my bookshelf, quilting and gardening. 

As an organization for over 45 years the South Dakota Hall of Fame celebrates South Dakota role models. It has been a privilege to engage with these dream chasers, making our state one of the best in the nation.

We developed new programming to launch a bigger vision with the annual Anniversary Reunions of generations of dream chasers, the Acts of Excellence and Legacy of Achievement. We implemented a dynamic digital platform to enhance our k12 Legends & Learning History Program and held regional Acts of Excellence celebrations across the state.

Our Legacy videos continue to be one of the most comprehensive collections about South Dakotans to inspire generations to come. The annual Honors Ceremony is the South Dakota Academy Awards that makes for everyday realities of putting one foot in front of the other, when you think it feels like your last.   

Thank you to the many people across our state that continue to support the Hall mission to thrive and be a household word. It has been a once-in-a-lifetime position and the best position I could have imagined leading to this next chapter. 

I look forward to working with the Search Committee as they build the next chapter for the history of the South Dakota Hall of Fame. 

For any inquiries into the Position please contact directly:

Sagency Mike Meagher

Sarah Miller