Legends Charles H. Burke and Charles Burke II

Banking Pioneers | Serving the Financial Needs of South Dakota Communities 

Charles H. Burke and Charles Burke II spent their lives serving the people of South Dakota by building financial institutions to help communities prosper. 

This is the story of the Burke Family and BankWest.  


Sometimes you earn it. Sometimes you borrow it. Sometimes you get it as a gift. And sometimes, you even find it. No matter how you acquire money, once you have it, what do you do with it? Do you spend it, give it away, or save it? And if you need money, where do you get it? 

Money is an important part of life as it allows people to get necessities such as food, shelter and clothing.  

Banks help people keep money safe and let them borrow money if they need more.  

 What is a bank?  

It’s a business where people put their money to keep it safe. It’s also a place where people can go and borrow money when they need more money than what they have.  

What is a Community Like without a Bank?

 Let’s explore what it’s like to live in a community without a bank.  

When people started moving from the 13 original colonies which were located on the East coast of the United States to the middle of our nation - the Mid-West - they created new towns. When these communities were first started, there were no banks. Without a bank, people did not have a safe place to keep the money they earned so they often hid it in places such as:

  • a hole in the ground 

  • a secret compartment in walls and floors 

  • a chair or sofa

  • with clothing   

All these places could be a problem as the people might forget where they put the money, or it could get ruined by fire, rain or snow. In addition, if most people in town were hiding money in these kinds of places, it would be easy to find and steal!  

When people move to new communities, one of the first things they might do is buy or build a house which costs quite a bit of money. Most people (even today) borrow money for their new house from a bank.  

  • Borrowing money means you go to the bank and the bank gives you the money you need and you promise to pay it back.  

If a town did not have a bank, people usually could not buy a house until they saved a great deal of money. Therefore, they would either build a very small house (maybe one room) house or they would find someone who would rent them a house.  

  • Renting means a person who owns a house, lets you live in it as long as you pay money each month.  

When towns are new, they need businesses, schools, churches, swimming pools and a library. Again, often people who want to build new buildings don’t have enough money to buy all the tools and lumber to get started. Without a bank, where they can borrow money, it may take the towns people years to save enough money to get all the buildings and businesses needed. If it takes too long, the people may move away to a new place.  

Finally, when a town does not have a bank, it’s difficult for it to grow and attract more people...if a town is not growing...it is in decline. 

The History of Banking. Watch below!


The History of Banking. Watch below! -

Pierre National Bank

Pierre National Bank 

Just before South Dakota became a state on November 2, 1889, a new bank opened in the city of Pierre which was called the Pierre National Bank.  It started serving the community on September 2, 1889 and was owned by H.R. Horner, John D. Hilger, Edward H. Andrews, Louis Kehr, Pattison F. McClure, Robert Locke, William Kemp, Louis B. Albright, and Albert B. Johnson.

The first customer of Pierre National Bank was Charles H. Burke, a partner in owning the real estate firm of Baird, Burke and Brown. Charles and the people at the bank developed a good relationship and eventually, in 1915 Charles became a bank director. 

  • A bank director is responsible for making sure the people who work at the bank are honest and good at their jobs. They also watch over the business decisions, so the people’s money is safe.  

Charles also served as a Vice President of the Pierre National Bank from 1930-1944.  

  • A bank vice president helps the president run the bank. 

Fun Fact: One of Charle’s sons, Walter Burke, also worked at the Pierre National Bank from 1920 to 1968! He served as President and Chairman of the Board of the bank. 

Let’s Learn about Charles H. Burke

Charles was born in Batavia, New York in 1861. He was just 21 years old in 1882 when he came to Dakota Territory by himself. Remember, South Dakota did not become a state until 1889, so when Charles arrived here, the area was called Dakota Territory.  

Charles settled in a town called Blunt where he studied law and worked for the real estate firm. In 1886 at 25 years old, Charles became an attorney. He married Caroline Schlosser during the time he lived in Blunt and they moved to Pierre in 1887. 

When he grew older, Charles helped make laws by serving in the South Dakota House of Representatives from 1895 and 1897. Charles also served for the United States House of Representatives from 1898 to 1907 and again from 1908 to 1915, He was appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1921 and served until 1929.  

Charles and Caroline had four children: Grace, Elizabeth, Walter and Josephine.  

Charles H. Burke Timeline 

  • Arrived in Dakota Territory in 1882. He became engaged in real estate (buying and selling land, houses, and businesses), investments and law.

  • Became the first customer of the Pierre National Bank.

  • Served in the South Dakota State Legislature in the House of Representative.

  • Elected as a Republican to the United States House of Representatives and served in the 56th, 57th, 58th, and 59th congresses.

  • The city of Burke, South Dakota was created and named after Charles H. Burke.

  • Served again as a United States House of Representatives until 1915, totaling 14 years.

  • Became a Director at Pierre National Bank.

  • Served as Commissioner of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He was appointed by President Harding.

  • Appointed by President Hoover in 1930 to serve as Commissioner to the Colonial Exposition in France, held in Paris in 1931. While there, Burke was made an officer in the French Legion of Honor. The Pierre area excelled in Red Cross activities during WWI under Charlie Burke's leadership as County Chairman.

  • Served as Vice President of Pierre National Bank.

Let’s Learn about Charles H. Burke II

Charles H. Burke II was born March 25, 1922, in Pierre, South Dakota to Walter and Jean Burke. Charles was named after his grandfather, Charles H. Burke.   

Charles’s father, Walter, worked in the Pierre National Bank and eventually became President. It was natural then, for Charles II to begin working at the bank when he was in high school. 

After high school, in 1940 Charles started attending the University of South Dakota. However, when World War II broke out, he wanted to serve his country and so he volunteered to join the Army Air Corp. Charles became a navigator on a B-17 Flying Fortress. He flew 26 bombing missions over enemy territory and was awarded the Air Medal and a Good Conduct Medal.

After his time in the Army Air Corp, Charles continued his education at the University of South Dakota and graduated in 1947 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration. He started working for the Pierre National Bank (BankWest) in 1948 and served as President from 1972 – 1987. While he was president of the bank, it grew from just one location in Pierre to nine locations all around South Dakota and the name was changed to BankWest. Charles served as Chairman of the Board until 2009.  

Charles H. Burke II Timeline 

  • Flew a B-17 in World War II.

  • Graduated from the University of South Dakota.

  • Began working at Pierre National Bank (BankWest).

  • Promoted to Vice President of Pierre National Bank (BankWest).

  • President of Pierre National Bank (BankWest).

  • Served as Chairman of the Board of Pierre National Bank (BankWest).

Changing from Pierre National Bank to BankWest 

When the Pierre National Bank opened its doors in 1889, they probably didn’t think eventually they would have more than one bank. However, during the 1970s and 1980s when Charles II was president, they opened banks all around South Dakota. It no longer made sense to call it Pierre National Bank, so the name was changed to BankWest.  

How BankWest Serves the Community 

When a bank decides to enter a community, there are many advantages to the people. 

Below are a few ways a bank helps a community:  

  • Provide jobs for people 

  • Loan money when people want to  

    • Build a house 

    • Buy a car or truck 

    • Start a new business 

    • Improve a business 

    • Expand a business 

    • Go to school 

  • Donate money to local organizations such as schools, charities, scholarships 

  • Bank owners and employees volunteer for many events in a community 

Visit the BankWest website.


Charles H. Burke made the trip from New York to South Dakota alone when he was just 21 years old. He probably took the train across the United States. 

  • What feelings might Charles have been experiencing before and during the journey? 

  • What leadership traits do you think Charles had at 21 years old that pushed him to start a new life so far away from where he grew up?  

  •  What leadership characteristics must Charles have had to be a successful navigator in the Army Air Corps? 

Charles II was honored for his public service many times in his life which speaks to his honesty, integrity, and commitment to community. Some of the awards he was given were  State Library Trustee of the Year, Morrison Roll of Honors, South Dakota Air Hall of Fame, South Dakota Outstanding Philanthropist of the Year, University of South Dakota School of Business Distinguished Service Award

  • If you sat with Charles II and had a conversation with him, what do you think you might notice about him? 


Charles H. served as vice president and Charles II was president of the Pierre National Bank (BankWest).  

  • How do you think the two men were alike? 

  • What leadership characteristics do you think each man had?  

 Do you use a bank?  

How do you think a bank might help you in the future?  

What new idea did you learn about banks from this presentation? 

BankWest in Pierre, SD